Group News
Our walk leaders are the most important part of our group. Without them we don’t have walks. At present we have a group of willing leaders who are filling the gaps on the programme. We desperately need new volunteers to step forward. If you would consider volunteering, and shadow a leader on a few walks, with some guidance it would be a good way to get started.
Group Events
None notified
Area News
Lincolnshire Area Committee provide logistic support for, and give advice to all the Groups in Lincolnshire. We have a few vacancies that must be filled for the Area to function well:
A Chairperson to keep the quarterly meetings and the AGM running smoothly
A Secretary to look after the administration, book meeting rooms etc.
A Minutes Secretary to take the Minutes of our quarterly meetings, write them up and send to the Secretary
If you feel you might be interested in taking on any of these roles, help and support will be provided. Travelling expenses are paid for attending meetings and reimbursement for any out-of-pocket expenses. Please contact Stuart Parker, Area Secretary for further information.
Area Events
None notified
National Events
None notified